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Taking Your Health

Hydrogen On The Move

How to be Hydrated


Let On Further show you how to drink less tap and bottled water by drinking a better kind of water, eat more Hydrating foods, and micromove to hydrate perfectly.

Move Your Water


Water requires movement to stay energized. Even inside our bodies, water needs to move to have its potent cleansing and healing effect.  How much we move has far more impact on our hydration than we previously thought. The human body is a hydraulic pump system and squeezing, twisting and contracting all deliver hydration more deeply into our tissues.  Our spinal canal and joints are central to this hydraulic system, as is fascia, our sponge-like connective tissue found throughout our bodies, in fact there’s miles of it in there.  


Fascia has recently been discovered by Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau, to be not only our connective tissue, holding us up and together like a crocheted sack, but a hidden irrigation system, a hidden electrical system, conducted by water, that sends cell-to-cell communication instantly.  It’s our inner internet. To work well, it must be fully hydrated. 


So hydration isn’t just about drinking, about pouring water in there, but also pumping it out to all our tissues and hydrating enough that it runs our electric current beautifully, without static or brownouts.  Moving, even of the smallest kind, starts this distribution of water and electricity. 


Micromovements Are Easy and Fun


Here at the Hydration Foundation, we developed micromovements, small, easy, do-at-your-desk movements that get your hydration flowing, gets your brain sharp, your joints unkinked, your tissues released from all that hunching over keyboards and steering wheels.  Visit our section on Move for tips and tricks on how to Move Your Water. With our hydration techniques (more than just drinking!) you’ll skip the afternoon fatigue, dissolve brain fog, remain limber, and even sleep better. In the morning, when you get up to face a new day, you won’t creak out of bed or lose steam by 11 am.  


To acquaint yourself with what fascia looks like inside you, watch this few seconds (0:25) of wonder and see what we mean by movement hydrates hydraulically.  You’ll see how water gets delivered.







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