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Taking Your Health

Hydrating Foods

How to be Hydrated


Let On Further show you how to DRINK a better kind of water, EAT more hydrating foods, and MOVE to hydrate perfectly.


Water is not just blue, it’s green!  Eat Nature’s Water. 


We think of water as being blue liquid, functional, moistening, and wet, but not nutritious. Original government guidelines on hydration were based on total ounces, and here is the surprise . . . 45% of those ounces came from food. Over the years, urban legend morphed it into ounces from liquid and finally from water only.  But getting hydration from water AND food is the absolute smartest strategy on the planet, one designed by nature. 


Water from fresh food can be up to two thirds more hydrating than water from a glass.


The gel water in fruits and vegetables is structured by nature, more nutritious, and guess what, more hydrating than liquids because it is packed with fibers to help water absorb not just flash flood through, and also full of nutrients.  


Ranging between 80 to 98% gel water by volume, plants are nature’s perfect biological packaging of nutrients and hydration.  The next time you eat a fruit or a vegetable, it is a form of water. Water rich foods are nutrient rich, packed with antioxidants, proteins with their amino acids, and vitamins.  They also carry minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, which when activated by the electrical charge in water are then known as electrolytes that we need for energy.. We need this fuel not only for biological nutrition but also for cognition, judgement, and mood.  And get this, because of the fiber in plants, the water stays in our system longer because we absorb it more slowly. It’s a triple play of hydrating health: pure nature’s water, absorbent fiber, and not only needed nutrients but electrolytes! 


Top 12 Hydrating Fruits (% H3O2)


  1. Starfruit – 91.4%

  2. Watermelon – 91.4%

  3. Strawberries – 91%

  4. Grapefruit – 90.5%

  5. Cantaloupe – 90.2%

  6. Pineapple – 87%

  7. Raspberries – 87%

  8. Blueberries – 85%

  9. Kiwi – 84.2%

  10. Apples 84%

  11. Pears – 84%

  12. Grapes – 81.5%



Top 12 Hydrating Veggies (% H3O2)

  1. Cucumbers – 96.7%

  2. Romaine Lettuce – 95.6%

  3. Celery – 95.4%

  4. Radishes – 95.3%

  5. Zucchini – 95%

  6. Tomatoes – 94.5%

  7. Peppers – 93.9%

  8. Cauliflower – 92.1%

  9. Spinach – 91.4%

  10. Broccoli – 90.7%

  11. Carrots – 90%

  12. Sprouts – 86.5%



The Benefits of Fresh Juices and Smoothies

Besides eating lots of fruits and veggies, fresh juices and smoothies are easy to make and are highly hydrating.  While fresh juices with their gel water is still more nutritious and hydrating than a glass of water, they can be expensive to make and juicing filters out the pulp and discards it.  


This is why we recommend smoothies as the path to optimal hydration.  Smoothies blend in the whole fruit or vegetable, retaining the plant fibers. In addition to helping us stay hydrated longer, these precious plant fibers, or cellulose, also sweep clean micro-sized toxins, cellular waste, and debris that are constantly coming into our bodies from our industrial environments.  Plant compounds can even buffer us from electromagnetic assaults, which create mineral imbalances. With smoothies, there is no tossing out the pulp!










Hydrated Coffee
Get Hydrated
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